
A library by Sures Kumar for the programming environment processing. Last update, 15 Nov 2010.

RemoteVLC is an external library which allows you to communicate and control VLC Media Player remotely from the processing environment. Processing has memory issues in handling videos. Often artists are found using MAX for video installations. Thus this library will help them to control HD videos irrespective of any length without any memory issue. Right now it allows to control VLC player both in local machine and over a network. The goal is to eventually expand this library to enable more advanced options, such as opening media files from the computer, etc.

This is a alpha release, which means the library could (and probably will) change in future releases. Please send feedback or feature requests!


Download RemoteVLC version 0.0.1 in .zip format.


Unzip and place the extracted RemoteVLC folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. VLC Player has to be opened before running the example sketch. To open VLC from command promt, use the following syntax.

vlc <filename>.<ext> --intf rc --rc-host <ip address>:<port>


vlc test.mpg --intf rc --rc-host

Reference and examples are included in the RemoteVLC folder.

Keywords VLC Media Player, Remote Access

Reference. Have a look at the reference here. a copy of the reference is included in the .zip as well.

Source. The source code of RemoteVLC is included in the .zip as well.


To access the example, click on the link below. It is included in the .zip as well.



Platform Windows
Processing 1.0.5